Saturday, May 23, 2020

Tag agent online renewal bill will go into effect November 1st after Legislature overrides veto

Tag agent online renewal bill enacted

OKLAHOMA CITY – Online motor vehicle tag renewals can be processed by local tag agents under legislation enacted via veto override Friday.

House Bill 4049, by House Speaker Charles McCall, requires the state to offer citizens renewing vehicle tags online with the option to digitally renew their vehicle tag through their local tag agent.

“Local tag agents provide a valuable service, especially in rural Oklahoma. As digital becomes the new normal, these tag agents will be able to continue serving their communities. I appreciate Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols and Representative Brian Hill for accurately clarifying what the bill does and does not do.”

Oklahoma has hundreds of local tag agents across the state that could be harmed if the state were to limit online renewals only through the Tax Commission directly, or if the state were to make it difficult to find the option online to renew through a local agent.

The bill does not prohibit direct renewal with the Tax Commission from being listed an option on the online tag renewal application. The bill does clarify that the Tax Commission is not a tag agent.

The bill takes effect Nov. 1, 2020.


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