Friday, January 31, 2025

Storm chaser licensing and regulation? These legislators want to see it happen.

State Sen. Mark Mann (D-OKC) and State Rep. Scott Fetgatter (R-Okmulgee) are the authors of Senate Bill 158, the Oklahoma Emergency Weather Response and Tracking Regulatory Act, which aims to create a licensure and regulatory framework for professional storm chasers in Oklahoma.

Specifically, the measure would create a 'professional severe weather tracker' license for individuals specifically contracting with either television stations or Oklahoma colleges or universities. The license would cost $500, with a $250 annual fee, in addition to requirements for insurance.

Sen. Hamilton highlights key policy initiatives for upcoming legislative session

Sen. Warren Hamilton Highlights Key Policy Initiatives for Upcoming Legislative Session

OKLAHOMA CITY (Jan. 28th) – Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, recently announced five bills that are key to his legislative agenda for the 2025 session. Hamilton is the author of Senate Bills 19, 448, 504, 599, and 869, each designed to protect Oklahomans and their way of life.

“Among these pieces of legislation are efforts to safeguard Oklahoma’s children from any individuals or institutions that may try to harm them,” Hamilton said. “This includes ensuring that our school libraries are free from inappropriate or harmful materials, protecting minors from entering into premature or potentially dangerous marriages, and implementing stronger penalties for those convicted of child sexual abuse. Each of these measures is a critical step in upholding the well-being and safety of our youth.”

Rep. Strom bill would require student seat belts on school buses

Strom Files Bill Requiring Student Seat Belts on School Buses

OKLAHOMA CITY (Jan. 29th) – Rep. Judd Strom, R-Copan, has introduced, House Bill 1244, a bill that would require all school buses to be equipped with seat belts or harnesses, providing vital protection for some of Oklahoma’s youngest passengers.

The proposed legislation would amend state statute to require all new vehicles with a capacity of 10 or more passengers, purchased or contracted for use by school districts on or after July 1, 2025, to be equipped with seat belts or harnesses for every passenger.

Sen. Sacchieri files bill requiring clear 'tax increase' label on ballot measures

Sen. Kendal Sacchieri Introduces Legislation Requiring Clear Label on Ballot Measures Leading to Tax Increases

OKLAHOMA CITY (Jan. 27th) – Sen. Kendal Sacchieri, R-Blanchard, recently filed a measure to require any proposal put before voters to explicitly state that it will result in increased taxes. Under the provisions of Senate Bill 1116, all state questions, school bonds, sales tax proposals, or any other proposals that would raise or extend tax rates must include a disclaimer stating, “THIS IS A TAX INCREASE”.

Voter Registration Maps: Oklahoma gets redder with Trump

Here's the 2025 installment of my long-running Voter Registration Maps series. My last update came in May, after Coal County became the 77th and final county to have a Republican plurality. After a brief setback in 2023 (first decline in 26 years), registration changes once again benefited the GOP in 2024 - riding the Trump coattails, no doubt.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

State Rep. Gann: ATF using FLOCK cameras for warrantless vehicle tracking of Oklahomans

Gann Sounds Alarm on Warrantless Vehicle Tracking of Oklahomans by the ATF

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Tom Gann, R-Inola, is expressing his deep concern over recent revelations that he believes highlight a widespread and ongoing violation of Oklahomans' rights.

Gann led an interim study on this issue before the House State Powers Committee in October. His recent concern follows an open records request filed by an independent media publication, which revealed that citizens of Oklahoma's original capital city, Guthrie, were under warrantless surveillance by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Monday, January 27, 2025

Sen. Deevers introduces 6 bills to 'Make Oklahoma Healthy Again'

Deevers Introduces the Six-Bill Make Oklahoma Healthy Again Agenda

OKLAHOMA CITY — Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, announced on Thursday the filing of six bills to Make Oklahoma Healthy Again. In tandem with the MAHA agenda of President Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary nominee Robert F. Kennedy, Deevers introduced SB943, SB702, SB771, SB801, SB941, and SJR8.

“The MAHA agenda is one of the most positive developments in American politics and has a clear mandate from the voters,” Deevers said. “These bills aim to improve the health of Oklahomans by increasing quality, transparency, accountability, decentralization, and freedom in health and medical care.”

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Small: Oklahoma Supreme Court appointment process deserves scrutiny

Judicial appointment deserves scrutiny
By Jonathan Small

In the 2024 general election, Oklahomans chose to move on from extremely liberal judicial activist, Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice Yvonne Kauger, when a majority of voters opposed her retention.

That process to replace Kauger, one of the court’s most liberal members, is now underway. Oklahomans should watch that process closely – at least what little they can.

As has become well known, Oklahoma’s judicial-appointment process is shrouded in secrecy.

State Election Board purges 130k inactive or duplicate registrations during routine voter list maintenance

State Election Board Conducts Routine Voter List Maintenance

(Oklahoma City, OK -- January 22nd) The State Election Board completed its routine, statutorily-mandated, biennial voter list maintenance on Friday, January 17 and Tuesday, January 21. The process removed 129,680 inactive voter registrations and 2,242 duplicate voter registrations from Oklahoma’s voter rolls.

The removal of inactive and duplicate voter registrations is a thorough, multi-step process the State Election Board is required by law to conduct every two years following the General Election.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sen. Deevers aims bills at restoring moral sanity in Oklahoma

Another set of excellent bills by State Sen. Dusty Deevers. Pray that these can get a fair and just hearing in the Legislature!

Deevers Introduces Slate of Legislation to Restore Moral Sanity in Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY (Jan. 22nd) — Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, announced on Tuesday a bold slate of eight legislative measures aimed at restoring moral sanity in Oklahoma. Together, these bills set a course for pushing back against the moral decay foisted upon Oklahoma by the far-left’s march through our institutions to destroy the moral foundations upon which the United States and Christian Civilization had long rested.

“Sadly, the left’s century-long assault on morality and decency has been so successful that some have come to accept as normal a society that is drowning in hardcore pornography, prenatal homicide, and sexual performances for children. None of this is normal. Each one of these evils is a result of a policy choice to not stand for what we know is right. Opposing these evils does not mean we are extremists. It means we are sane,” Deevers said.

Brecheen introduces resolution condemning Bishop's political remarks at Nat'l Prayer Service

In case you hadn't heard, a flaming progressive woke pagan Episcopalian - these days a redundant phrase - female bishop used her 'bully pulpit' at the National Prayer Service to lambast President Trump (never mind the ridiculous fact that such a service was being held at a church belonging to a spiritually-bankrupt denomination and led by an biblically-unqualified impastor). 

Oklahoma Congressman Josh Brecheen was in attendance at the service, and walked out in protest.

Friday, January 24, 2025

State Sen. Regina Goodwin verbally spars with officer during traffic stop, cited for running stop sign

State Sen. Regina Goodwin (D-Tulsa) had a recent run-in with the law after a Tulsa County sheriff's deputy observed her rolling through two stop signs in downtown Tulsa. What could have been a routine, brief encounter and a warning turned into almost a half hour of verbally sparring with the officer and refusing fifteen requests to hand over her driver's license.

One thing led to another, and Tulsa mayor Monroe Nichols and City Councilor Laura Bellis showed up at the scene (not the type of assistance Joe Citizen gets, I'm sure), which ended in Goodwin being briefly handcuffed and ticketed. NonDoc has a good synopsis of the traffic stop here, along with bodycam footage. As NonDoc pointed out, this is the third legislator-and-law-enforcement encounter in the past two-and-a-half years that left significant egg on the overly-entitled and self-important legislators' faces.

Goodwin was elected to the State Senate in November, after serving nine years in the State House. The Tulsa County GOP is calling on her to apologize for her inexcusable behavior: