Monday, October 21, 2024

State Superintendent Walters launches new teacher recruitment website

Walters Announces New One-Stop Shop for Teacher Recruitment:

Oklahoma City, Okla – State Superintendent Ryan Walters announced the rollout of a new, comprehensive teacher recruitment tool,, today. is a comprehensive online resource designed to guide future and current educators through the certification process, connect them with teaching opportunities, and provide valuable financial and professional development resources in Oklahoma. supports Oklahoma’s teacher recruitment and retention efforts by providing a user-friendly platform that helps educators efficiently navigate their career paths.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Small: Oklahoma not immune to campus radicalism

Oklahoma not immune to campus radicalism
By Jonathan Small

The nationwide rash of campus radicalism, particularly anti-Semitism, has been disturbing. Even more disturbing is the fact that it is appearing in Oklahoma.

Eyal Yakoby, an incoming Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) student who self-describes as being “dedicated to combating Jew-Hate and anti-Americanism,” highlighted an email distributed to students at Oklahoma State University that touted Students for Justice in Palestine (SPJ) events.

“The official diversity committee at Oklahoma State University’s psychology department sent an email soliciting students to participate in the ‘Week of Rage’ sponsored by SJP,” Yakoby wrote. “The first event is on Oct. 7th to celebrate the massacre. This is systemic antisemitism.”

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Gann study of license plate readers highlights need for statute updates

Gann Study of License Plate Readers Highlights Need for Statute Updates

OKLAHOMA CITY (Oct. 8th) – Rep. Tom Gann, R-Inola, on Tuesday led a study on the use and abuse of surveillance cameras and warrantless searches before the House State Powers Committee.

Gann particularly looked at the use of Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs), which under state law only legally can be used to identify uninsured motorists who are in violation of the state's compulsory insurance law. The cameras, however, - many of them illegally placed, he said – are being used to track much other activity.

Oklahoma Freedom Caucus challenges Tinker Air Force Base’s “National Coming Out Day” event

Oklahoma Freedom Caucus Challenges Tinker Air Force Base’s “National Coming Out Day” Event

Oklahoma City, OK (Oct. 15th) –  The Oklahoma Freedom Caucus challenges the decision to host and promote “National Coming Out Day” on Tinker Air Force Base.

Senator Shane Jett, OKFC Chairman and U.S. Navy veteran, expressed the criticism shared by thousands of military families. “Military bases have significant budgets to cultivate positive relationships in their communities. It’s incomprehensible that Tinker Air Force Base would openly promote a prurient lifestyle that would obviously affront the tenets of faith of over 75% of Oklahoma’s professing Christian population as well those practicing Jewish and Muslim faiths. It is vulgar, prurient, inappropriate, and unbecoming of our military facilities.” said Senator Jett.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Legislators respond to Supreme Court request in Hiett case

Legislators Respond to Supreme Court Request in Hiett Case

OKLAHOMA CITY – Reps. Tom Gann, R-Inola, Kevin West, R-Moore, and Rick West, R-Heavener, today issued statements regarding an Oklahoma Supreme Court request for oral arguments in their case against Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett.

"On Monday, the Oklahoma Supreme Court changed its position and took the extraordinary step of asking for oral arguments about our Petition for a Writ of Prohibition against Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett. We filed our case after allegations of sexual misconduct and public drunkenness were published, but Hiett refused to disqualify himself from Oklahoma Corporation Commission cases involving the victims and/or witnesses of his alleged criminal conduct. These utility cases are worth billions of dollars and affect millions of Oklahoma customers of Oklahoma Natural Gas, Oklahoma Gas & Electric, and Public Service Company of Oklahoma.

Here's what you need to know about the judges on the 2024 ballot

It's voting time, and you're likely here because you don't want to be surprised when you see twelve judges and justices on your ballot that you know nothing about. Thanks for dropping by!

If you've ever done the frustrating task of searching for information on these courts and judges, I feel your pain. As I mentioned in previous election years, finding information on the justices and judges on the retention ballot can be a difficult task, and basic information such as their ages can be anywhere from difficult to find to completely unknown to even Google.

In this post, I'll cover the following justices and judges, which are on every Oklahoma voter's ballot:
  • Supreme Court - Noma D. Gurich
  • Supreme Court - Yvonne Kauger
  • Supreme Court - James E. Edmondson
  • Court of Criminal Appeals - William J. Musseman
  • Court of Criminal Appeals - Scott Rowland
  • Court of Criminal Appeals - David B. Lewis
  • Court of Civil Appeals - James R. Huber
  • Court of Civil Appeals - Timothy J. Downing
  • Court of Civil Appeals - Thomas E. Prince
  • Court of Civil Appeals - Robert Bobby Bell
  • Court of Civil Appeals - E Bay Mitchell, III
  • Court of Civil Appeals - Brian Jack Goree

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Take a look: Aurora photos from the Muskogee area

Photo credit: Becky Faught near Sequoyah Bay State Park

If you didn't go out to look at the display of Aurora Borealis Thursday night, you missed out on a real treat! I went "aurora chasing" with my kids in the evening and we got to get our first glimpse of the Northern Lights up near Sequoyah Bay State Park.

Social media has been flooded with photos from all over the country. Auroras were sighted as far south as central Mexico and the Caribbean. You can view a large gallery of photos from around the world here at's realtime aurora gallery (lots of pages of pictures there).

I posted on Facebook and Twitter, asking for local residents to submit photos that they took, and here are some of the Muskogee-area shots. A big thanks to all who responded! If you have additional photos you'd like to submit, send me an email at, or reply on Facebook or on Twitter/X

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Aurora alert: go outside after dark and look, Oklahoma!

UPDATE: view Thursday night's aurora photos from the Muskogee area in this post!

From @RyanHanrahan this evening in CT

The coronal mass ejection from Tuesday's X-class solar flare slammed into Earth's magnetic field hours ago, triggering a severe geomagnetic storm, and the Aurora Borealis ("Northern Lights") have already been sighted this evening as far south as the Bahamas! If you live in Oklahoma and want to see this tremendous atmospheric wonder, go outside and look to the north when it gets dark!

The geomagnetic storm is likely to last all night long, with "sub-storms" of varying intensity shifting auroras all over the map. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Aurora Watch: Oklahoma has a good shot at Northern Lights on Thursday

Taken by Twitter user @Jen_McClure10 in Marlow, OK - May 10th, 2024

Heads-up, Oklahoma! Thursday night may be one of the best chances we have of seeing the Aurora Borealis ("Northern Lights") in years! As the result of a powerful solar flare, a severe geomagnetic storm is predicted for Thursday that could send auroras as far south as Alabama and Texas, or deeper.

Quick, non-scientific layman's explainer: The sun goes in regular periods of activity and inactivity. We are currently in the middle of the solar maximum portion of the current Solar Cycle 25, when the sun is frequent solar storms, flares, and sunspot. The current cycle is much more active than the previous one (2008-2019), and the past few months in particular have had several large X-class solar flares that have sent Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in Earth's direction that have, in turn, produced geomagnetic storms with auroras sighted as far south as Arizona and Alabama. 

Monday, October 07, 2024

Group launches campaign to oust liberal justices on Oklahoma Supreme Court

We're one month out from the election, and finally, someone is actually attempting to do something about activist liberal justices on the Oklahoma Supreme Court and running a campaign to get folks to vote 'NO' on the judicial retention ballot. Since Oklahoma went to this system in the 1960s, no justice or judge has ever lost a retention vote.

Watch the ad from People for Opportunity:

A few brave State Reps decry Tinker AFB's "National Coming Out Day" event

We still have a few brave legislators willing to speak the truth:

Reps Issue Joint Statement Opposing Tinker AFB "National Coming Out Day" Event

OKLAHOMA CITY (October 7th) – A group of legislators is opposing an event at Tinker Air Force Base called "National Coming Out Day" and the affirmation that homosexuals are "born this way."

The following statement is issued by Reps. Jim Olsen, R-Roland; David Hardin, R-Stilwell; Clay Staires, R-Skiatook; Kevin West, R-Moore; Rick West, R-Heavener; and Danny Williams, R-Seminole.

"As one of the nation's most important and strategic military bases, Tinker should remain focused on our national defense and not expend taxpayer dollars to promote a lifestyle contrary to the values of the majority of Oklahomans.

State Auditor: audit shows town of Red Rock misappropriated 39% of expenditures


OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (October 1, 2024) -- Oklahoma State Auditor & Inspector [SA&I] Cindy Byrd today released her forensic audit report for the Town of Red Rock in Noble County. Auditor Byrd launched the investigation after receiving a request from District Attorney Brian Hermanson.

The SA&I investigation covered a five-year period between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2023. The audit exposed a significant number of questionable expenditures among the Town Clerk/Treasurer and Town Board members.