Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gov. Stitt celebrates announcement of $620M solar manufacturing factory in Tulsa-area


OKLAHOMA CITY (June 28, 2024) - Governor Kevin Stitt released the following statement celebrating NorSun's decision to invest in Oklahoma.

“Oklahoma is the most business friendly state in the nation, and companies from around the world are taking notice,” said Gov. Stitt. “I'm thrilled that Oklahomans will benefit from hundreds of new jobs in the Tulsa area and a $620 million capital investment. Our business-friendly regulations, workforce development efforts, and 'more of everything' energy approach make us an incredible state to invest in, and I'm glad NorSun is going to be a part of it."

Saturday, June 29, 2024

State Sen. Deevers comments on Bibles in Oklahoma public schools

Deevers Comments on Bibles in Oklahoma Public Schools

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 28th) — On Friday, Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, commended State Superintendent Ryan Walters’ decision to incorporate the Bible into Oklahoma public school curriculum.

“The Bible’s status as the most important book ever written is not in dispute. Including it in public school curriculum is not a scandal: excluding it is. It is difficult, if not impossible, to provide students a proper understanding of Western civilization, world history, and U.S. history without significant emphasis on the Bible.

“The principles of inalienable rights, universal human dignity based on the image of God in man, and natural law written by God into creation are absolutely fundamental to the founding of the United States and the progress of Western civilization. Without significant reference to the Bible as it pertains to these ideals, how are Oklahoma students supposed to learn the context for the world in which they live?

Brecheen votes to defund DHS Sec. Mayorkas, build border wall, empower ICE agents

Congressman Brecheen Votes to Defund Mayorkas, Build the Wall, and Empower ICE Agents

Washington, D.C. (June 28th) – Today, Congressman Josh Brecheen voted in favor of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act, which funds DHS and includes many conservative policy wins such as cutting Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ salary to $0, building $600 million worth of physical barriers on the Southern Border, and providing $1.2 billion for new ICE detention beds and for deportation costs.

Senate Pro Tem Treat announces list of approved interim studies

Pro Tem Treat Announces List of Approved Interim Studies

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 28th) – Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City today announced the approved list of interim studies that will be discussed during the legislative interim.

In total, 39 interim study requests were approved and have been assigned to a committee. It is at the discretion of each individual committee chair as to whether a study will be scheduled.

All interim studies must be concluded by November 1.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Small: Drummond right about bar association

Drummond right about bar association
By Jonathan Small

Is it too much to ask that law schools obey the law? Apparently, the American Bar Association thinks it is.

Fortunately, the ABA is drawing strong pushback, including from Oklahoma’s chief legal law enforcement officer.

Through a June 3 letter drafted by the office of Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond and 20 other states’ attorneys general say the standards imposed by the American Bar Association (ABA) for accreditation of law schools violate constitutional prohibitions on discrimination and should be junked.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Deevers calls for interim study on self-managed abortion as death pill billboards pop up around state

Dobbs Anniversary: Abortion Pill Billboards Pop Up Around Oklahoma -- Deevers Calls for Interim Study

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 24th) — On the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, responded to the presence of billboards advertising the abortion pill in Oklahoma. Deevers refuted the common misconception that abortion has been ended in the state and has proposed an interim study to investigate the prevalence of abortion pill sales and self-managed abortion.

“Abortion pill companies are taunting us,” Deevers said. “They know the pro-life laws we passed in recent years have a massive loophole and they are taking full advantage of it.”

One such billboard was spotted along Interstate 35 just South of Goldsby. The billboard depicts a woman’s hand holding abortion pills with the message: “Need to be un-pregnant?” Beneath the message is a link to the website where the death-inducing pills can be ordered.

Monday, June 17, 2024

2024 Primary Election Day: Picks, Links, and Resources

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the Oklahoma Primary Election. If you haven't voted yet either by absentee or early in-person, you have from 7:00am to 7:00pm to cast your ballots. If you don't know where to vote, or want to see your sample ballot, use this helpful link from the Oklahoma State Election Board to find out.

Below are my thoughts on various races, as well as some links to additional resources about the primary candidates that you may find helpful.

Americans for Prosperity-Oklahoma announces State Legislative endorsements

Americans for Prosperity-Oklahoma Announces State Legislative Endorsements 

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (June 10th) - Americans for Prosperity - Oklahoma (AFP-OK) today announced its endorsement of four candidates for the state Senate and House of Representatives. 

The following candidates earned the support of AFP-OK for their integrity and steadfast commitment to expanding the opportunity for all Oklahomans to achieve their version of the American Dream. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

2024 Primary Election: recommendations from BatesLine

Conservative Tulsa blogger Michael Bates of has published his traditional election day voting card, with recommendations, links, and information about the elections on the June 18th primary ballot across the state. Somehow, this primary has snuck up on me, and I'm woefully behind on my own election postings.

Filled with great insights and well-documented research, Michael's excellent analysis and opinion is always a must-read.

Gov. Stitt signs FY2025 state budget

I've been out of town and busy with other things over the past two weeks, so I'm a bit behind on blogging. Here's some news from earlier this week, when Governor Kevin Stitt signed the state budget into law (some legislators had been concerned he would veto portions of it, but those fears were unfounded).


OKLAHOMA CITY (June 12, 2024) - Today, Governor Kevin Stitt signed the budget for the state’s 2025 fiscal year into law. After giving effect to elimination of the grocery tax, the largest single tax cut to delivered to taxpayers in state history, this budget authorized state expenditures at a reduced level relative to last year while delivering on strategic investments in infrastructure and efforts to further the Governor’s pro-business, pro-family policies.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Health Dep't offers tips on safely raising backyard poultry, avoiding avian flu

Tips on Safely Raising Backyard Poultry to Avoid Getting Sick this Spring

OKLAHOMA CITY (May 27th) - Each year many people begin or continue raising backyard poultry flocks. These flocks have been gaining in popularity over the past several years and interest in them continues to grow. 

But there can be health risks for birds and humans associated with raising these flocks.

“The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) wants to remind flock owners to learn about and practice essential prevention measures to minimize the risk of disease transmission among both birds and humans, known as biosecurity,” said Ashlyn Wayman, a lead investigative epidemiologist with the Infectious Disease Prevention and Response service. “Biosecurity practices are vital in protecting not only your own birds, but neighboring flocks as well as our nation’s commercial poultry industry, from diseases like highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).”