I've been tracking the COVID-19 data relayed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health since they began publicly releasing statistics on confirmed cases and deaths. Below, I'll show several of the charts I've put together. There are some encouraging trends to be optimistic about.
After several weeks of limited public data, the OSDH has begun to publish a lot more in depth information on the COVID-19 pandemic here in Oklahoma. You can read about that
here, and visit the newly-updated state clearinghouse on the novel coronavirus data
Here are the daily tracking charts I've compiled, in order of listing:
- Cumulative cases, deaths, and hospitalizations
- New cases, deaths, and hospitalization changes
- Daily hospitalizations, including 'Persons Under Investigation'
- Cumulative cases and death rate by age
- Cumulative cases by age
- Cumulative deaths by age
- Death rate by age
You can view each graphic in larger form by clicking on the image.
Cumulative cases, deaths, and hospitalizations |
The above chart is cumulative or to-date. It does not represent
current cases and hospitalizations, or include recoveries.
New cases, deaths, and hospitalization changes |
The daily increase of cases and hospitalizations appears to be slowing, with peaks and valleys trending lower. The hospitalization line represents
new patients as opposed to current hospitalization figures. That chart is next:
Daily hospitalizations, including 'Persons Under Investigation' |
This chart shows both confirmed positive patients (solid lines) as well as suspected cases (aka 'Persons Under Investigation', or PIUs, indicated by dotted lines). Both categories are split into non-ICU and ICU patients, with combined totals of both shown in the thickest lines. The OSDH does not report these specific details on Saturday or Sunday, so there are breaks in the data each weekend.
Cumulative cases and death rate by age |
This chart shows the breakdown by age, following the axis on the left, as well as death rate by age, following the axis on the right. Both of those categories are broken into their own charts below:
Cumulative cases by age |
Cases by age. The gap between adults and juveniles is tremendous and astounding.
Cumulative deaths by age |
As large as the gap is between adults and children in the previous chart, the gulf between senior citizens and the rest of the populace is equally so.
Death rate by age |
This final chart shows the death rate among confirmed COVID-19 patients broken down by age bracket. The first few deaths were among the 50-64 age range, but once more individuals began to be tested and deaths started to mount, the 65+ age range quickly overtook the lead. To-date the death rate among those under 18 is still zero, while all adults between 18 and 65 are under 2.5%. The death rate as of today for those 65 and older was 13.64%.
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