Sunday, May 26, 2024

Group touts OK poll showing huge support for citizen-only voting, calls for vote on state question bill

Survey Highlights Overwhelming Support for Citizen-Only Voting in Oklahoma

Oklahoma City (May 23rd) - A recent survey conducted by Americans for Citizen Voting reveals significant support for legislation that would limit voting rights to only U.S. citizens in Oklahoma. The survey underscores a strong preference among Oklahomans for maintaining the integrity of state elections by ensuring that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote.

"The results of this survey are clear," said Paul Abner, Oklahoma director of American Citizens for Voting. "Oklahomans recognize the importance of safeguarding our elections and are firmly behind Senate Joint Resolution 23, to restrict voting to only U.S. citizens."

Key Findings:

  • Citizen Voting Support: An overwhelming 90% of respondents believe that only U.S. citizens should have the right to vote in Oklahoma elections, with a substantial majority expressing concern over federal immigration issues and their potential impact on local elections.
  • Support for Constitutional Amendment: Support for a state constitutional amendment to enforce citizen-only voting stands impressively high, with 83% of participants backing the proposed measure.
  • Concern Over Non-Citizen Voting: Awareness of non-citizen voting in other states has heightened local concerns, with 80% of Oklahomans deeming it important for the legislature to pass the Citizen Only Voting Amendment.

The data strongly suggests that Oklahoma voters are poised to support legislative measures that ensure voting rights are exclusive to U.S. citizens. 

This sentiment mirrors a broader national discussion about election integrity and the role of state legislation in defining voter eligibility. As the Oklahoma legislature approaches the end of session, time is running out to pass legislation. 

“There’s still time for the Senate to do the right thing and pass SJR 23, which would put to the vote of the people that only U.S. citizens could vote in Oklahoma elections,” Abner said. “I urge all Oklahomans to consider the implications of non-citizen voting and the overwhelming public mandate for maintaining strict citizenship voting requirements. This survey serves as a pivotal indicator of public opinion leading to the voting booth.”


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