U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Muskogee) may have finally drawn an opponent. One would assume that this opponent is a Democrat, but not so - he's a Republican.
Lewis Spring of Hugo has launched a website advertising his candidacy for U.S. Senate. This is not Spring's first time this election cycle to put his toe into the political waters; on April 9th of last year, he sent an open letter (of which I have a copy) to President Obama announcing his intent to run for the 2nd Congressional District, against Dan Boren.
Spring is a retired school teacher, and has been married to his wife Susan for 33 years. He states on his website that his platform "calls for a return to the principles that the Founding Fathers created in our Constitution, as well as the abolishment of the Federal Reserve System. Spring also proposes a federal law making it a criminal act for a government official to lie while serving in their official capacity."
Spring has not filed official papers with the Federal Election Commission, so it remains to be seen if he will actually go through with running, given his very recent history in the 2nd District race.
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