Term-limited State Rep. John Wright (R-Broken Arrow) gave an emotional farewell speech a day early today. Wright had planned on giving the traditional "swan song" on Wednesday, but had to move it up due to health reasons.
Wright is easily the most respected member of the state house, regardless of party. He is also very eloquent - members cringe when he gets up to debate against their bill, because he is so influential on the floor. He has a condition with his eye - the retina is starting to detach. Wright first noticed the issue over the weekend. Today, it worsened and his physician told him to get total rest. He will have surgery Wednesday morning in Oklahoma City.
He was disappointed to be forced to mar his near-perfect attendance; in his twelve years in the legislature, Wright never missed a day of session, and missed only 39 votes - an absolutely astounding feat. Due to his surgery, he will miss the final three days of his last legislative session.
Wright is currently a candidate for Lieutenant Governor - it is unclear how, or if, this will affect his candidacy. We give our best wishes for John and his family in this time.
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