Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hern backs out of House Speaker race, Brecheen picks Jordan

With the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican conference is in the midst of a multi-way race for the next Speaker. Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) were early names, while Oklahoma's 1st District Congressman Kevin Hern openly considered joining the race. In the past 48 hours, there have even been rumors that some members may seek to renominate McCarthy for the position. Earlier this week, Hern officially declined to put his hat in the ring, while 2nd District Congressman Josh Brecheen endorsed Jim Jordan:

Congressman Josh Brecheen Endorses Rep. Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House

Washington, D.C. (Oct. 7th) – Congressman Josh Brecheen endorsed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for Speaker of the House.

“I’m supporting Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. Jim Jordan is a principled conservative, a peacemaker, and can cross the 218 vote threshold necessary to unite the Republican conference,” said Congressman Josh Brecheen.

Hern urges unity in Speakers race

TULSA, OK (Oct. 7th) – This morning, Representative Kevin Hern (OK-01) announced he is stepping back from the race for Speaker of the House after contacting all 221 Members of the Republican Conference.

Watch his appearance on Fox News this morning here.

The letter can be found here and below:

Dear Republican Colleagues,

Following the results of the vote on Tuesday, many of you reached out to me encouraging me to run for Speaker of the House. I prayerfully considered those conversations, and over the past four days have carefully examined the question of who our next Speaker should be and whether I should announce my candidacy for the role.

I called, texted, or met in-person with all 221 members of the House Republican Conference, asking each member what they want to see in the next Speaker and how we can move forward as a Majority. The overwhelming response I heard from you is that we must unify and come out of this situation stronger as a Majority. While many of you emphasized the necessity for new blood in our leadership, the need for unity comes first and foremost.

I personally believe we need a Speaker who takes the time to listen more than they speak, who will fight for the conservative policies that we believe in over personalities or conflicts, who will focus on what brings us together rather than what tears us apart, and who focuses on keeping our Majority, winning back the Senate and the White House, and getting wins in this divided government where we can.

Now is the time to put the future of our nation first because a divided majority will result in an even more fractured country. This is bigger than me or any one person. The decision we make will impact every American, regardless of party affiliation, tax bracket, or zip code.

House Republicans must unify – and do it fast. It's clear to me that a three-man race for Speaker will only draw this process out longer, creating further division which would make it harder for any candidate to reach 217 votes. For these reasons, I want two good friends of mine, Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan, to have the opportunity to earn 217 votes from our Conference. Steve and Jim are both former RSC chairmen and proven leaders.

Whatever happens next, our Conference must commit to stay in the room, turn off our phones, and work together until we have a candidate who can earn 217 Republican votes. When we leave that room and head to the House floor, we must show the world that we are united in support behind our Speaker and ready to do the work we were elected to do.

I look forward to working with our next Speaker of the House.


Kevin Hern
Member of Congress


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