The following column is from Stephens County conservative activist Steve Fair.
The Legacy!
This has been a tough year. I just got out of jail and now the doctor is saying I have lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. He tells me there is not much hope and that I have just months to live. He just shook his head when I told him I had abused my body for the school children of Oklahoma. He just doesn’t ‘get it.’
It all started back in 1982 when Oklahoma voters approved pari-mutuel gambling- you know betting on the ponies. There were commercials saying the money I gambled at the track would help educate the kids. I’ve always been about helping kids so I started going to the track every week doing my part to help the schools. In about a year, I had gotten to where I was going every day after work and on my lunch break. I wasn’t winning anything, but I took comfort in knowing that I was helping Oklahoma kids by betting on the ponies. I ‘got it.’
Read the rest here.
Steve is an amazing gentleman, and a prolific and faithful writer. This column is one of my favorite of his pieces. Satire with a sting of truth. You simply must read the entire article!
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