September 12th TEA PARTY
Are you worried about our nation’s future, with escalating budget deficits and increasingly oppressive national debt?
Come join fellow patriots for a TEA PARTY!!
When: Saturday, September 12th from Noon to 1:00pm.
Where: Muskogee’s Civic Center Plaza (4th & Okmulgee)
Special emphasis on “Health Care Reform”
Learn how government-run healthcare will affect you and your family!
Hear RONALD REAGAN speak on socialized medicine. (Radio address)
Discover what we can do to take our country back!
This is a NON-partisan event open to all patriotic Americans who want to protect their freedoms and futures. Let your voice be heard!
For more information go to: www.teapartymuskogee.com
or contact Jamison Faught at (918) 869-6000.
Come join fellow patriots for a TEA PARTY!!
When: Saturday, September 12th from Noon to 1:00pm.
Where: Muskogee’s Civic Center Plaza (4th & Okmulgee)
Special emphasis on “Health Care Reform”
Learn how government-run healthcare will affect you and your family!
Hear RONALD REAGAN speak on socialized medicine. (Radio address)
Discover what we can do to take our country back!
This is a NON-partisan event open to all patriotic Americans who want to protect their freedoms and futures. Let your voice be heard!
For more information go to: www.teapartymuskogee.com
or contact Jamison Faught at (918) 869-6000.
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