Greetings, fellow Patriots!
We will be holding our Tea Party at Civitan Park in Muskogee (3301 Gibson Street, across from the Oklahoma School for the Blind; click here for map). It will start at 10:00am, and continue until about noon. This is a family-friendly event (bring lawn chairs!), with music and speakers, as well as other various activities. Cookies and tea will be served.
- Stuart Jolly, director of Americans for Prosperity's Oklahoma chapter
- Matt Pinnell, director of American Majority's Oklahoma branch
- Jeff McIlroy, with Oklahomans for FairTax
- Jason Carini, conservative activist, also speaking for ParentalRights.org
- Jim Vandament, with National Write Your Congressman
- Steve Money (doctor, lawyer and talk show host), on nationalized health care
- Mayor John Tyler Hammons, on Muskogee charter changes
- Glen Wadsworth, local recording artist
- Monty Baggett, local pastor
- Barbara McAlister, internationally-acclaimed opera star and Muskogee native
- Voter registration
- Bake sale
- Tea and cookies
- High Striker
- LIBERTY TREE Dedication and Planting
Please help spread the word by emailing your friends and family!
Re-declare your Independence at the Independence Day TEA PARTY!! Let's have another GREAT showing for the Tea Party!
Tentative agenda:
- 10:05 - Start. Welcome and announcements by Jamison Faught
- 10:10 - Prayer (State Rep. George Faught). National anthem (sung by Glen Wadsworth) followed by Pledge of Allegiance.
- 10:20 - Matt Pinnell with American Majority
- 10:30 - Jeff McIlroy with OK FairTax
- 10:40 - Barbara McAlister sings 'America the Beautiful'
- 10:45 - Jim Vandament with National Write Your Congressman
- 10:55 - Mayor John Tyler Hammons on Muskogee charter changes
- 11:05 - Glen Wadsworth sings 'God Bless America'
- 11:10 - Steve Money on nationalized health care
- 11:25 - Reading of Declaration of Independence/Bill of Rights
- 11:35 - Jason Carini on activism and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- 11:45 - Stuart Jolly with Americans For Prosperity
- 11:55 - Liberty Tree dedication
- 12:00 - Monty Baggett sings 'God Bless the USA'
- 12:05 - Closing and final announcements by Jamison Faught
For more information, contact Jamison Faught (Organizer, Muskogee Tea Party) at (918) 869-6000, or teapartymuskogee@gmail.com.
Good thing Mark Shannon wasn't there. You had representatives from two groups there -- Sooner Tea Party and Americans for Prosperity. Also, you had a state representative there. According to Shannon, these Tea Parties aren't about politics, they're about people. Had he been at your Tea Party, he'd be slamming it on the air right now, the way he is the Sooner Tea Party. That man is an enemy to liberty.
ReplyDeleteSorry about that -- I mean Americans for Prosperity and OKFairTax -- D'oh!