Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Senate Pro Tem Treat announces interim study requests

Pro Tem Treat Announces Interim Study Requests

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 27th) – Senate President Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, today announced the approval of interim study requests that will be discussed during the legislative interim.

A total of 61 requests were approved and will now be heard before their respective committees for further consideration. It is now at the discretion of each committee chair whether to schedule the study.

Pro Tem Treat said interim studies will occur over the summer months and must conclude by November 3.

“All of these interim studies include matters of importance to the Oklahomans we serve,” Pro Tem Treat said. “Senators have submitted their ideas that deal with items that either weren’t passed during regular session or that are evolving issues that need more research and evaluation that can be developed into policy worthy of being passed into law. These are forward looking projects and bring opportunities for each committee to help make Oklahoma a better state. I appreciate my Senate colleagues for submitting these requests and I look forward to seeing the results of each one.”

After committee chairs finalize interim study requests, hearing dates and times will be set and can be found on the Senate website. Meeting notices will be sent by Senate committees once scheduled. Hearings will also be livestreamed on the Senate website.

To view a list of the 2023 interim studies, click here.


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