Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Rep. McBride thanks State Supt. Walters for subpoena response

Chairman McBride Acknowledges Walters' Subpoena Response

OKLAHOMA CITY (Dec. 26th) – Rep. Mark McBride, R-Moore, today released a statement acknowledging State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters' compliance with a recently issued subpoena. The subpoena required delivery of records and communications requested by the House Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee, which McBride chairs. 

His full statement can be found below:

"I appreciate Supt. Walters' quick compliance with the subpoena, and I have begun reviewing the delivered documents to ensure that they contain all of the information that was requested. As Chairman of the Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee, I exercised my power to subpoena the superintendent to produce these records, but I wish it would not have had to come to that. My focus has always been, and will continue to be, doing what is best for Oklahoma students. It is my hope that moving forward, the extreme, but sometimes necessary, process of using a subpoena will not be needed, and the superintendent will more openly and willingly communicate with members of the Legislature."

 "The Legislative Branch is constitutionally charged with oversight of the budgets of certain departments, including the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). Additionally, our responsibility as elected officials is to work together for the betterment of our state, not continuously fight to earn political clout or obfuscate the process of government. I will continue to review the subpoenaed documents with the hope that they fully answer the committee's questions and give us a more complete understanding of the processes and procedures of the OSDE under Supt. Walters' leadership."

 "I thank him again for his swift compliance, and hope for a less adversarial working relationship in the future."


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