Friday, March 03, 2023

State Senate approves interstate teacher compact bill

Senate approves interstate teacher compact bill

OKLAHOMA CITY (Feb. 28th) – The full Senate has given unanimous approval to a bill that would make it easier for teachers in military families to resume their careers after being transferred to a new state. Sen. Brenda Stanley, R-Midwest City, is the principal author of Senate Bill 467, creating the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact (ITMC) Act.

Stanley is chair of the Senate’s Veterans and Military Affairs Committee and is a former teacher and school principal.  She was also the wife of a member of the military and understands firsthand the challenges military families face when moving to a new state. 

“Having to go through a lengthy process to get licensed and certified in a new state can be extremely stressful and leave the family short an income during that process,” Stanley said.  “We want to remove unnecessary barriers to better support military families who move to Oklahoma, and by being part of an interstate compact, we’ll also be supporting Oklahoma military families who are transferred to another member state.”

Under SB 467, Oklahoma would be able to join other states in a teaching compact, allowing educators with an eligible license held in a compact member state to be granted an equivalent license in another compact state, without submitting additional materials, taking state-specific exams, or completing additional coursework. Teachers moving into a compact member state would still have to go through the receiving state’s background check process.  The bill also directs the creation of the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact Commission comprised of states that have enacted the compact, and providing for the commission’s powers, duties, membership, meetings, and rule-making authority.

“The purpose of SB 467 is to make the transfer to another state as seamless as possible, streamlining the process for qualified, licensed educators to resume their teaching careers without jumping through unnecessary hoops and dealing with red tape,” Stanley said.  “Given how often military families move, this will be a tremendous help to those families.  I appreciate the support of my fellow members in the Senate on my bill.”

SB 467 now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration.


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