Monday, March 27, 2023

House votes to censure Rep. Dean Davis, strip committees until apology over 'conduct unbecoming'

This afternoon, the State House overwhelmingly voted to censure Rep. Dean Davis and remove him from all committees until he makes a public apology for his actions related to his recent alcohol-fueled arrest.

Around 4pm, at the conclusion of the legislative day and after the House GOP caucused, State Rep. Anthony Moore made the following motion:

"On March 23, 2023, Representative Dean Davis participated in conduct unbecoming of the office of State Representative. Because of those actions, I move that the Oklahoma House of Representatives formally censure Representative Davis for conduct unbecoming and that the Oklahoma House of Representatives requests that the Speaker, Pursuant to House Rule 1.8, remove Representative Davis from all committees of the House unless or until a written and public apology is issued with an additional copy sent to the Oklahoma City Police Department, the People of the State of Oklahoma, with a copy sent to the Speaker of the House."

The vote passed 81 to 9, with half the Democratic caucus voting for it and half voting against. No Republicans voted against it. State Rep. T.J. Marti, Davis' drinking buddy and present at his arrest last week, stepped out of the chamber right before the vote, seemingly to "miss" the vote.

Good on the House for taking this important action to send a clear signal about the behavior that is expected of members of the Legislature. Their position as elected officials is a solemn duty and not to be abused.

You can watch the floor motion and debate here. I thought Reps. Echols and Moore both made excellent points in their debate. Democrat Rep. Mauree Turner (D-OKC), who was herself censured earlier in the month, debated against the move.

NonDoc has a good article on the action here: House Rep. Dean Davis censured for arrest, ‘debate’ with officers.

Here's the official press release from Speaker Charles McCall (R-Atoka). Below it is a statement from Minority Leader Cyndi Munson (D-OKC).

Speaker Charles McCall

House Censures Rep. Dean Davis

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 27th) – The Oklahoma House of Representatives today censured Rep. Dean Davis, R-Broken Arrow, for conduct unbecoming a member.  

Speaker of the House Charles McCall, R-Atoka, issued the following statement:

"As a body, the House of Representatives and its members must hold ourselves to a high standard, and Rep. Davis' conduct did not live up to that standard. The decision to censure a member of the House is not one that is made easily or carelessly, but is made when it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the House of Representatives and the trust of the great people of the state of Oklahoma in their government. The House of Representatives has nothing but the utmost respect for the members of our law enforcement community, and we expect the members of our body to exemplify that in their dealings with law enforcement."

House Democratic Leader Responds to Censure Vote

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 27th) – Oklahoma House Democratic Leader Cyndi Munson, D-OKC, today released the below statement following the vote to censure a member of the House of Representatives.

"When a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives violates the law they must be held accountable. The video from the Representative's arrest shows that he was detained related to intoxication and attempted to use his position as an elected official to avoid facing consequences. It appears he needs to seek help and I sincerely hope he does. 

As members of the House of Representatives, we are not are above the law and we must protect the public safety of all people. It is incumbent upon us to continue to hold members who violate the law accountable."


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